My Journey Helping Animals
To help me out of a mysterious debilitating illness in my 20s I had many, many therapies seeking help when modern medicine had still not been able to provide an answer.
This is how I entered the world of the healing arts. Necessity.
To help me with my balance, I rekindled my love affair with horses after all, what better or more healing way of balancing one's body, mind and Spirit was there and I was an equestrian.
I never looked back.
My 35 year career has included my desire to help animals and their owners.
Natural therapies can support your pets too, alongside medical treatment or by themselves for so many issues.
I believe in supporting all levels of being for an animal just as with people. I work at spiritual, emotional, mental and physical level when assisting with creating harmony, health and vibrancy where disharmony, dis-ease and ill health have manifested in it's myriad guises and degrees.
I teach Reiki and Shamanic Energywork Masterclasses so you can learn to confidently treat your animal family at home as well as Animal Energywork Masterclasses to any practitioners who work with animals.
In my many years of hands-on practice I have discovered a great deal helping animals and learned so much from them.
Helping animals is truly a deep honour for which I am so grateful.